Post by hossI have bought a T-Mobile Blackberry (7290 that is unlocked). Is there a
way to have it work with Fido for data/email services?
If you only use standard protocols such as SMTP POP/IMAP, then yes, it
will work. Fido woudln't see your handset as being different from other
data-capable handsets.
If you want to use the proprietary blackberry email delivery protocols,
Fido won't support it. I am not 100% sure of any infrastructure between
your corporate RIM-server and your handset. I think that your mobile
network has to strike a deal with RIM so that RIM makes the bridge
between your handset and your corporate servers. Rogers has decided that
it would have that market and not hand it to Fido.
Remmeber that Fido is now designed for teenagers, with Rogers designed
for business/adults. Teenagers want phones with flashing lights,
pictures and games. Businesses users want blackberries.