On Sat, 06 May 2006 00:26:47 -0400, JF Mezei
Post by JF MezeiPost by Harry Eugene LyWOW! At the price it is going for, I might consider selling/auctioning mine
off at some point if I don't use it (provided that it is actually possible
to sell your services to someone else).
I called Fido not long ago. I was surprised to find out that this is
perfectly legal to transfer packages/contracts. The new owner of the
contract must go through credit checks etc, but it seems to be a fairly
common practice.
I just called Fido and asked if it was possible to transfer a friend's
$50 unlimited data plan to my account. I was told it is not possible
to transfer the $50 unlimited data plan from account to account. I
asked the rep to double check and she came back with the same answer.
The reason given to me was that you cannot transfer elective options
from account to account. So according to her, the only way to get the
data plan is to transfer another person's entire Fido account which
happens to have the unlimited data plan. Is this true?